Felix Film is an independent film and television production company that was established in 1998 by Laura and Silvia Pettini. Today, we are known as “quality” documentary film producers, thanks to international film festivals and international television sales, and we have consolidated our position among the leading documentary production companies.
Thanks to the growing number of production partners that we have successfully work with for many different documentaries, we now have an established image as a company that enjoys important international recognition: Ndr/Arte, Zdf/Arte, Avro, Svt, Sbs Australia, Yle Teema, Yle Fst, Rai Uno, Rai Tre, Rai Fiction, Rai Cinema, Rai Trade, Istituto Luce, Cinecittà Holding. In addition, while at the beginning we were a production company known for realizing single theme and single author’s works, at the moment we are diversificating our productions by themes and authors.
Right from the very beginning, production has been focused, above all, to the making of documentary films, mainly on historical, social, art, science and cinema subjects.
We coproduced with: Rai Uno, RaiTre, RaiFiction, RaiCinema, RaiTrade, Istituto Luce, Cinecittà Holding, Ndr/Arte, Zdf/Arte, Avro, Svt, Sbs Australia, Yle Teema, Yle Fst, Regione Emilia-Romagna, Film Commission Torino Piemonte, Museo Nazionale del Cinema di Torino, Regione Lazio - Fi.La.S., NUCT, Haibun, Terra, L'Immagine, Vostok Film, Presidenza Regionale Valle d'Aosta, Film Commission Regione Sicilia, Cineteca Bologna, Rai Teche, Fondo Visconti, Dear Cinematografica, Fondazione Giuseppe Di Vittorio, Associazione Giuseppe De Santis, Archivio Cesare Zavattini.
We have received awards from: Ministero Beni e Attività Culturali, Ministero Affari Esteri, Ministero Pubblica Istruzione, Media Broadcasting 2006, Media Broadcasting 2005, Media sviluppo 2010, Media Slate 2003-2006, Museo Nazionale del Cinema – Torino, Bando Regione Siciliana 2008, Regione Lazio Fondo Imprenditoria Femminile 2002.
We have received the support of: Assessorato Cultura Comune di Roma, Museo Etnografico Pitré - Palermo, Comune di Luzzara, Comune di Palermo, Comune di Cernobbio, Comune di Parma, Comune di Modica, Comune di Maiori, Comune di Imola, Presidenza Consiglio Comunale di Roma, Comune di Ferrara.
The customers: Associazione Culturale Esperia, Paypermoon, Rhombus Media, Rai 5, c.g.g., Sugar, Regione Valle d'Aosta, Fondazione G. Di Vittorio, Crisalide per le Scuderie del Quirinale, De luca editore, Ministero Affari Esteri rappresentanze culturali nel mondo, Seven Dream, Palazzo Chigi ad Ariccia, assessorato alla Cultura di Roma, Presidenza Consiglio comunale di Roma, Cahier du Cinema, Voyager/Rai Due, RaiEducational, Fox - History Channel, Dolmen - Mikado, Rai Sat, Fastweb.
The supplier: Nosmet, Augustus Color, Raggioverde, Stadion Video, Digicut, Terra, L'Immagine, Axis, Ma.Wi., ARRI, Kodak, Technicolor, Compass, Cristaldi, Movietime, Mercurio, Gruppo Minerva, Ripley's Film, Reporters Associati, Archivio Movimento Operaio, Rai teche, Istituo Luce, Cartocci, Spiritosound, Ma.Mo., Bluedith, Gruppo Edo, Proxima, LVR, Marbea, Ombre Elettriche, Maggiore, Sicily by Car, Cinenane, Europcar, Gaumont, Archivi NARA, Lambda, Gianicolo Viaggi, Anicia Viaggi, REC, La Presse, Palombi Editore, Cinesicurtà, Libreria Metropolis, Emergency music, RTS, Eurotech, Media Mediterranea, IKEA, Kartolandia, TNT, Archivio Breil, MCA.
The sponsor: FIAT, Mercedes Chrisler Italia, Ford, Meridiana, LegaCoop, Hotel des Bains - Venezia, Hotel Raphael - Parigi, Hotel Regina Baglioni - Roma, Hotel Centrale Angala Hotels- Palermo, Hotel Parco dei Principi - Roma, Timi Hotel - Villasimius, Vini Corvo Duca di Salaparuta, Electrolux Zanussi, Cascina Veneria, Gestione Archivi.
• When East meets West – Film Commission Friuli Venezia Giulia – Trieste, january 2011
• Giornate europee del cinema e dell'audiovisivo - Turin, november 2010
• Giornate europee del cinema e dell'audiovisivo - Turin, september 2010
• Antenna Media Torino (corso di aggiornamento per professionisti film distribution 2.0) - 27 april 2010
• Italian Doc Screenings - Florence 2010.
• IDS – Doc.it, Trento 2008.
• Stati generali del documentario italiano – Doc.it – Palermo 2008.
• Stati generali del documentario italiano – Doc.it, Rome 2008.
• Workshop diritto d’autore e produzione di documentari – Doc.it, Rome 2008.
• Stati generali del documentario italiano – Doc.it, Bologna 2006.
• XII conferenza euromediterranea sul cinema- Parlamento Europeo, Venezia Lido, 2006.
• Maia Workshop sullo sviluppo di progetti, Fabula Film/Media Programme, 2006 Italia.
• IDS - Venezia San Servolo, 2006.
• IDS - Venezia San Servolo, 2005.
• Corso sul diritto d’autore- a cura dell’Avv.to Andrea Miccichè – Emmefilm, Rome 2005.
• Workshop –Discovery Channel Meets Italian Documentarists - Doc.it, 2004.
• Workshop sui finanziamenti Europei per il cinema, Roma Film Finance, 2004.
• Workshop professionale dedicato ai fondi d’investimento ed ai fondi regionali per il settore audiovisivo – Peacefulfish e Roma Film Finance Roma Agis, 2004.
• Corso di produzione cinematografica – Saracena Film Festival – Dirk Wan Den Berg e Marco Gallo, 2003.
• Workshop sulla presentazione dei progetti e le caratteristiche del mercato televisivo europeo - Barcellona – EDN, 2003.
• XVII Festival Internazionale di cinema e televisione “nuove strategie e nuovi strumenti per il sostegno dell’industria audiovisiva modello europeo e modello americano – Rome, 2003.
• Documentary in Europe – Bressanone, 2002.
• Guglielmo Marconi Imprenditore come favorire gli investimenti, l’imprenditorialità e l’innovazione. Fondazione Bordoni e Camera dei Deputati, 28 january, Rome.
• Workshop per il settore audiovisivo Italiano in Germania – Istituto Nazionale per il commercio estero, 10/11 march, Monaco.
• A la rencontre du cinema Italien – 3 giorni di cinema Italiano – Anica/Ice 24/26 march, Paris.
• Screenings Rai Trade, 6/9 April, Florence.
• “La Tecnologia come leva strategica nella valorizzazione e fruizione dei beni culturali”.
• Convegno Arcus, 12 May Rome , Complesso dei Dioscuri.
• “Produrre è un processo creativo” Bologna 20-21 February 2009.
• Screenings Rai Trade, 25/28 March, Taormina.
• “Il sostegno comunitario alla produzione televisiva” TV Brodcasting Media Desk RomaFictionFestival- 8 july, Rome.
• Workshop Euroimages e L’Italia –Ministero degli affari Esteri, 19 november, Rome.
• “Il Documentario ed il Programma Media dalla padella alla brace, e ora quale futuro ci aspetta?” Casa del Cinema – 17 october, Rome.
• “Reale e virtuale: nuove tecnologie per i beni culturali” – Fondazione Ugo Bordoni, Centro Congressi Palazzo Rospigliosi - 24 november, Rome.
• Ass. Doc-it con Federlazio Rome 22-23 may 2008.
• STATI GENERALI DEL CINEMA ITALIANO –Roma festival internazionale del film di Roma auditorium parco della musica 27/30 october 2008.
• STATI GENERALI DEL DOCUMENTARIO – Palermo 3-14 dicember 2008.
by Carlo Lizzani (Italy, 60’, documentary, 1999)
Executive Production
Genre : Short Movie
Lenght: 30’
Origin: Italy 2002
Format: Digital Betacam.
Screenplay: Tiziana Maria Di Blasio
Director: Carlo Lizzani
Photography: Diego D’Innocenzo
Editing: Diego D’Innocenzo
Production: Paypermoon Italia
Exsecutive production: Felix Film
Premiere: Milan, 2 july 2002 - Casablanca
Genre : video abbinamento museale
Lenght: 53’
Origin: Italy 2002
Format: Digital Betacam, v.o. it. sott. English.
in collaboration with:
Executive production: FELIX FILM
Genre: Musical
Origin: Italy 2001
Lenght: 60’
Director: Larry Weinstein
Production: Rhombus Media/Sugar/Universal
Executive production: Felix Film
Cast: Andrea Bocelli
Music: Andrea Bocelli
Location: bolgheri, volterra, s.anna in camprena, bagni san filippo, san quirico d'orcia, chianciano, livorno.
Genre: film di montaggio
Origin: Italy 2000
Lenght: 18’
Director: Carlo Lizzani
Production: Museo Nazionale del Cinema di Torino - Fondazione M. A. Priolo
Executive production: Felix Film
A film on the Italian history made with sequences from films of great directors of the Italian cinema. The film was continuous screened in the National Museum of the Cinema in Turin.
in dvd: cloud man and being claudia cardinale
Contest (Roma 2012) - diari del '900
Pitrè stories
• Sole Luna un ponte tra le culture – IV edizione Palermo, 4 - 10 july 2011 - Premio Speciale del pubblico
• Vento del Nord Lampedusa, 29 july - 4 august 2011
• Provincia in Festa: Cinestudio Mario Bellone Palermo, 11 august -11 september 2011
• I’ve seen Films Milano, 5-14 october 2011 - Spazio Doc Italia, Menzione speciale
• Taiwan International Ethnographic Film Festival Taiwan, 7 - 11 october 2011
Luchino Visconti
• 56° Mostra Internazionale d’arte Cinematografica - Venice, 1 - 11 september 1999 – special event
• Venezia a Roma - Rome, 10 - 20 september 1999
• 20° Mostra de Valencia / Cinema del Mediterraneo - Valencia, 14 - 21 october 1999
• 23° Mostra Internacional de Cinema São Paulo-Film Festival - São Paulo, 15 - 28 october 1999
• RomaEuropa Festival - Rome, 27 ottobre - 6 november 1999 - Palazzo delle Esposizioni
• V edizione Med Film - laboratorio “99” - Rome, 15 - 23 november 1999 - Cinema Nuovo Olimpia
• 16° Europa Cinema e TV - Viareggio, 27 november - 3 dicember 1999
• Festival International des Programmes Audiovisuels - Biarritz, 18 - 23 january 2000 – section Fipatel
• 43° San Francisco International Film Festival - San Francisco, 20 April - 4 May 2000 - Golden Gate Awards
• Le Cinéma des Cinéastes - Paris, 28 april 2000 – Special event
• Festival des Films du Monde - Montreal, 25 august - 4 september 2000
• 12° edizione Fano Film Festival - Fano 16 - 21 october 2000
• Festival International Du Film D’Amiens - Amiens, 10 - 19 november 2000
• 46° Semana Internacional de Cine de Valladolid - Valladolid, 26 october - 3 november 2001
• Italian Film Festival - Sithengi , 16 - 22 november 2001
• 10° Missing Film Festival - Genova, 4 - 16 dicember 2001 – Lo Schermo Perduto
• Asolo FilmFestival - Festival internazionale del film d’arte e di biografie d’artista - Asolo, 25 - 29 november 2002 - Teatro dei Rinnovati
• 10° Festival del Cortometraggio - Pescara, 1 - 6 dicember 2003 - Auditorium Flaiano
• 3° IschiaFilmFestival - Ischia – Villa la Colombaia 20 - 25 june 2005
• BA Film Festival - Busto Arsizio, 25 marzo - 1 april 2006
• 21° International Gay & Lesbian Film Festival - Turin, 20 - 27 april 2006 - Multisala Teatro Nuovo
• Napoli Film Festival - Naples, 4 - 11 june 2006
• III Festival del Cinema D’Arte di Palazzo Venezia - Rome, 8 – 29 september 2006
• Premio Libero Bizzarri – Rassegna del Documentario - San Benedetto del Tronto, 23 – 30 september 2006
• Festival Internacional de Cine Indipendente de Ourense - Ourense (Spagna), 8 november 2006
• Campidano Film Festival - San Sperate Samassi, 20 september - 20 dicember 2008
• 46°Festival Internazionale del Nuovo Cinema - Pesaro, 20 - 28 june 2010
Cesare Zavattini
• 60° Mostra del Cinema di Venezia - venice, 27 august - 6 september 2003 - Special event
• Les Italiens - Parigi, 16 october 2003 - Special event
• XII Edizione Missing Film Festival - Genova, 27 november - 6 dicember 2003 - Lo schermo perduto
• 10° Festival del Cortometraggio - Pescara, 1 - 6 dicember 2003 - Auditorium Flaiano
• 27th Goteborg Film Festival - Goteborg, 23 january - 2 february 2004
• IX edizione del Premio Internazionale del Documentario e Reportage Mediterraneo - Siracusa, 29 march - 4 april 2004
• Philadelphia Film Festival - Philadelphia, 9 - 21 april 2004
• Festa Internazionale del Cinema d’Arte - Bergamo, 10 - 19 september 2004 – III edizione Premio “Le mura d’oro” Premio speciale Fabio Locatelli al film fuori concorso “Cesare Zavattini”
• 46° Festival Internazionale del Nuovo Cinema - Pesaro, 20 - 28 june 2010
Giuseppe De Santis
• 66 Mostra del Cinema di Venezia - Venice, 2-12 september 2009 - Controcampo Italiano
• IV CineFestival - Novara,13-17 october 2009
• Fondi Film Festival - Fondi, 8 november 2009
• Festival Visioni di Fata Morgana - Arcavata di Rende, 10-14 november 2009 - Università di Cosenza, Piccolo Teatro Unicol
• Aniene Film Festival – Il cinema della terra - Arsoli, 13 november 2009 – Teatro Comunale
• XIII Costa Iblea Film Festival - Ragusa, 10-13 Dicember 2009
• International Film & TV Festival - Bari, 23-30 january 2010
• VI Indipendent Film International Festival Mar del Plata Argentina - Mar del Plata, 8-15 may 2010
• 13° Rassegna del documentario – Premio Libero Bizzarri - San Benedetto del Tronto, 23 - 30 september 2006
• IV LagoFilmFestival - Festival internazionale di cortometraggi, documentari e sceneggiature - Revine Lago, 18 - 26 july 2008
Roberto Rossellini
• II Festival del Cinema delle Isole Isola d’Elba - Rio Marina, 21 - 24 june 2001
• 25° Festival des Films du Monde - Montréal, 23 august / 3 september 2001 – sezione “Hommage”
• 11° Rencontres cinématographiques de la Seine-St-Denis - Seine St Denis, 14 - 27 november 2001
• 19° Torino Film Festival - Turin, dal 15 al 23 november 2001 – sezione “Sopralluoghi Italiani”
• Italian Film Festival - Sithengi, 16 - 22 november 2001
• 10° Missing Film Festival - Genova, 4 - 16 dicember 2001 – Lo Schermo Perduto
• 6° Roma Film Festival - Roma, 14 - 23 dicember 2001 - Cinema Quattro Fontane / Palazzo delle Esposizioni
• 15° Festival International des Programmes Audiovisuels - Biarritz, 22 - 27 january 2002 – sezione Fipatel
• 21° International Istanbul Film Festival - Instanbul, 13 – 28 april 2002
• Venezia ad Hollywood - III edizione - Los Angeles, 4 - 7 dicember 2002 - Istituto Italiano di Cultura
• 10° Festival del Cortometraggio - Pescara, 1 - 6 dicember 2003 - Auditorium Flaiano
• BA Film Festival - Busto Arsizio, 25 march - 1 april 2006
• IV IschiaFilmFestival - Ischia, 13 - 24 june 2006
• Festival del Cinema D’Arte di Palazzo Venezia - Rome, 8 - 29 september 2006
• Italienska Filmfestivalen - Stockholm, 22 - 28 september 2006
• 13° Rassegna del documentario – Premio Libero Bizzarri - San Benedetto del Tronto, 23 - 30 september 2006
• Campidano Film Festival - San Sperate Samassi, 20 september / 20 dicember 2008
• 46° Festival Internazionale del Nuovo Cinema - Pesaro, 20 - 28 june 2010
Being Claudia Cardinale
• 1° Festa del Cinema di Roma Roma, 13 - 21 october 2006
• 16° Festival del Cinema Mediterraneo di Tetouan - Tetouan, 27 march - 3 april – Omaggio alla carriera di Claudia Cardinale
looking for Sophia
• Palazzo Doria Pamphili - Valmontone, 20 march 2005
• The Contact – International Documentary Film Festival - Kiev, 24 - 29 april 2005
• Campidano Film Festival - San Sperate Samassi, 20 september – 20 dicember 2008
the perfect fit
• Women’s Fiction Festival - II Festival Internazionale di Narrativa Femminile - Matera, 28 september – 1 october 2005
• Schermi D’Amore - 10° edizione - Verona, 24 march - 2 april 2006
• Riff Awards Roma Independent Film Festival - Rome, 7 - 13 april 2006 - Cinema Embassy
• 13° Rassegna del documentario – Premio Libero Bizzarri - San Benedetto del Tronto, 23 - 30 september 2006
Cloud Man
• Imola Film Festival - Imola, 1- 4 ottobre 2009 - Teatro dell’Osservanza
• 13° Genova Film Festival - Genova, 29 giugno - 4 luglio 2010 – in competition
The Unionist (Giuseppe Di Vittorio, voci di ieri e di oggi)
• 6° FondiFilmFestival - Fondi, 17 - 23 september 2007 - Auditorium Comunale
• 46° Festival Internazionale del Nuovo Cinema - Pesaro, 20 - 28 june 2010
• 13° Genova Film Festival - Genova, 28 june - 4 juy 2010 - in competition
• 3° Roma Fiction Fest - Rome, 6 - 11 july 2009 - Cinema Adriano
• 10° RIFF – Rome Independent Film Festival - Rome, 18 - 24 march 2011 – Nuovo Cinema Aquila
Public Screenings
Luchino Visconti
• RAI UNO - Anteprima TV Italia - 7 september 1999 – 22% di share
• Villa Lampedusa - Palermo, 30 september 1999
• Giornata dedicata a Luchino Visconti - Cernobbio, 23 january 2000 - Villa Erba
• ARTE - Anteprima TV Francia/ Germania - 16 april 2000
• Visconti a Volterra - Volterra, 17 november 2000 - Multisala Centrale Sala Sergio Leone
• La Scena Del Principe – Visconti e il Gattopardo - Ariccia , 1 - 13 dicember 2001 - Palazzo Chigi - Omaggio a Visconti
• 10° Festival del Cortometraggio - Pescara, 1 - 6 dicember 2003 - Auditorium Flaiano
• Palazzo Doria Pamphili - Valmontone, 6 march 2005
• 12° Isola del Cinema 2006 - Roma, 7 june – 3 september 2006 - Isola Tiberina
• Retrospettiva Luchino Visconti - Zagabria , november 2006 - Cinema Tuskanac
• Retrospettiva Luchino Visconti - Varsavia , november 2006 – Filmoteca Narodowa Warsawa
• Retrospettiva Luchino Visconti - Il tempo ritrovato - Parma, 31 march – 12 may 2006 – Cinema D’Azeglio / Cinema Astra
•Federazione Italiana dei Circoli del Cinema - Cagliari, 29 june - 27 july 2010 - Teatro Civico
Roberto Rossellini
• Retrospettiva Roberto Rossellini - Auditorium du Louvre - Paris, 6 April – 17 june 2001 – special event
• Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II - Naples, january 2002 - Dipartimento di scienze storiche “Ettore Lepore”
• Cinema Anteo Milano - Milan, 7 april 2002
• Museo D’Arte Contemporanea - Rome, 3 june 2002 - 25° anniversario della morte di Roberto Rossellini
• Omaggio del Comune di Roma a Roberto Rossellini - Rome, Auditorium Parco della Musica 22 september 2002 - special event (Sala “700”, n.3 proiezioni a ingresso libero,tutto esaurito)
• Cinema Lucciola - Ladispoli, 1 dicember 2002
• Palazzo Doria Pamphili - Valmontone, 17 april 2005
• Giardini della Flora Caprese - Capri, 9 july 2005
• Natale di Praeneste - Palestrina, 29 june 2006
• Roma - Palazzo delle Esposizioni
• Roma - Auditorium Parco della Musica
• Parigi - Auditorium Du Louvre
• Milano - Cinema Anteo
• Ladispoli - cinema Lucciola
• Campidano Film Festival - San Sperate Samassi, 2008
• Cinèma des Cinèastes - Paris 2002
• Cinema Nuovo Olimpia Rome, April 2002
Cesare Zavattini
• Scrivere: un vizio comico - Parma, 8 - 12 october 2003 - Cinema Astra d’Essai
• Premio Grinzane Cavour - 1° edizione - Stresa, 29 october - 1 november 2003
• I documentari di Carlo Lizzani – Cesare Zavattini - Chieri, 23 october 2004 – Sala Conferenze
• Casa Del Cinema di Roma - Rome, 25 november 2004 - Sala Deluxe
• Palazzo Doria Pamphili - Valmontone, 10 april 2005
• Cesare Zavattini tra letteratura cinema pittura - Latina, 14 october - 1 dicember 2005 - Teatro A. Cafaro
• RAISAT - Anteprima TV Italia - 1° january 2008
Giuseppe De Santis
• Giornate Europee dell’Audiovisivo - Turin, 22-25 november 2007 - Work in progress
• Moma di New York New York, 15 dicember 2007 - Museum of Modern - Work in progress
• Associazione Giuseppe De Santis Fondi, 29 Dicember 2007 - Work in progress
• Fipatel – Mercato Internazionale Televisivo - Biarritz, 22-27 january 2008 - Work in progress
• Casa del Cinema - Rome, 8 october 2008 - Sala Deluxe, incontro con l’autore: Carlo Lizzani
• Associazione Culturale Cinitalia - Vercelli, 14 october 2009 - Cinema Italia
• Omaggio a Giuseppe De Santis - Fiano Romano, 28 november 2009
• Omaggio a Giuseppe De Santis - Fiano Romano, 28 november 2009
talking about cinema
• L’Opera di Rodolfo Sonego, sceneggiatore tra arte, scienza e letteratura (1949-2000) - Roma, 7 - 18 April 2003 - Mostra all’Acquario Romano
• 40° Mostra Internazionale del Nuovo Cinema - 18° Evento Speciale: Paolo e Vittorio Taviani - Pesaro, 25 june - 3 july 2004 - Teatro Sperimentale / Cinema Astra
• LA7 - Anteprima TV Italia 14 march 2005 - La 25° ora, il cinema espanso
• RAI 5 - Anteprima TV Italia 16 september 2011 – h 16:20
• RAI 5 - replica TV Italia 5 october 2011 – h 16:20
Looking for Sophia
• RAI UNO - Anteprima TV Italia - 25 september 2004 - h 23:00
• AVRO - Anteprima TV Olanda - 19 september 2004 – h 18:30
• ARTE – Anteprima TV Germania - 17 september 2004 – h 22:00
• Aosta, 24 february 2008 - Teatro Giacosa
• Verrès, 27 february 2008 - Cinema Ideal
• Courmayeur, 28 february 2008 – Cinema Monte Biancoa
• Gressoney Saint-Jean, 29 february 2008 - Cinema Sport Haus
• Saint Vincent, 1 march 2008 - Cinema Auditorium
• Cogne, 4 march 2008 - Salle Communale
The Unionist (Giuseppe Di Vittorio, voci di ieri e di oggi)
• Celebrazioni del 50° della morte di Giuseppe di Vittorio - Lecco, 29 may 2007 - Sala Provinciale Don Ticozzi
• Celebrazioni del 50° della morte di Giuseppe di Vittorio - Roma, 29 october 2007 - Cinema Quattro Fontane
• FOX HISTORY CHANNEL - Anteprima TV Italia - 1° may 2010
Pitrè stories
• Fipatel – Mercato Internazionale Televisivo - Biarritz, 20-24 january 2011
• Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia - Palermo, 6 April 2011 - Cantieri Culturali della Zisa
• Università degli Studi di Catania - Catania, 7 April 2011
• FASTWEB - Anteprima VOD (Viedo On Demand) Italia - 1° may 2010 – 30 april 2011
• Anteo Spazio Cinema - Milan, 15 november 2011 - 14 february 2012 - Cinema Anteo
• Contest - Rome, 30 january - 21 may 2012 - Nuovo Cinema Aquila
the perfect fit
• RAI TRE - Anteprima TV Italia - 25 august 2005 - h 23:20
• RAI TRE – replica TV Italia - 17 dicember 2005 - h 23:30
• Libreria del Cinema - Rome, 11 april 2006 – incontro con l’autore
cloud man
• RAI DUE - Anteprima TV Italia - 13 may 2009
Nour Al-Maghreb by Stefano Grossi
Genre: Documentary
Length: 75’
Format: Digibeta/35 mm (v.o. it. e.s.)
Director : Stefano Grossi
Script: Stefano Grossi
Interviews: Stefano Grossi, Tiziana Colusso
Partecipation: Mouna Amari, Habib Attia, Nouri Bouzid, Abdel-Jabbar El-Ech, Salah Metnani, Toni Maraini
Speaker: Ignazio Oliva
Music: Francesco De Luca, Alessandro Forti, Adel Boualleg
Camera: Felice D’Agostino, Arturo Lavorato
Montage : Luca Mandrile
Producers: Vostok Film, Felix Film
Co-producers: Cinétélefilms (Tunisi)
Archives: Aamod (Archivio Audiovisivo Movimento Operaio Democratico)
Why has Tunisia , the land of holidaymakers, tourist villages and business for foreigners, suddenly exploded like a powder-keg? Why does it today seem like an unknown country to those who felt at home there until recently, whether on holiday or on business? In a road movie travelling from the centre of Tunis to the Region of the Oases, we will make a journey among the images produced by its culture and within that culture, so as to try to understand something about the crisis in the Mediterranean Arab world which has been described and anticipated by the Tunisian art cinema for at least twenty years.
My documentary starts from a question that arose when I saw several very beautiful and powerful Tunisian films several years ago: how do Tunisians see their own country? What do they think of their own way of life, their own culture? And would their view of their own world help me, a European and a Westerner, to understand some of the complexity of the Arab world? Would it help us, the other peoples in the Mediterranean area, so close and yet so distant from them? Nouri Bouzid, the most important contemporary Tunisian film director, will help me find an answer.
In this documentary, Tunisia will be seen from the inside in the course of time, through a series of extracts from Nouri Bouzid’s films, covering the last twenty years of Tunisian history and dealing one by one with the most problematic issues in contemporary Tunisian society: the limitation of civil rights and the repression of the freedom of the press and of political opposition in a regime with barely a nominal pretence to democracy (a regime that has in fact been crushed by its own weight).
Thus the latest dramatic developments in the so-called “Jasmine revolution”, which has disintegrated the Ben Ali regime, will be documented in a continual comparison between the past (cinematographic and analogic) and the present (televised and digital), by means of extracts from films and from the rich constellation of international websites in the Arab language. Tunisia will also be seen from the outside and in space, in the course of a journey by sea (on the ferry from Italy to Tunisia), continuing overland on the road from Tunis to the extreme limits of the salt desert of Tozeur, through the Chott el-Djerid and the Region of the Oases, with two important stops at Douz and the Islands of Kerkenna.
Each of these stages will be accompanied by a face-to-face conversation with Nouri Bouzid (film director and scriptwriter), Abdel Jabbar El-Ech (writer and poet) Salah Metnani (journalist) Mouna Amari (singer and musician) and Toni Maraini, an authoress and scholar, who knows the Maghreb world in depth. Another vision of Tunisia will emerge from this: that of a land paralyzed for years by a despotic regime – a police state masked as a democracy and crippled by a tight and aggressive control of the institutions and the media.This so-called “Jasmine Revolution” – unlike that of November 1987 which brought Ben Ali to power at the expense of old Habib Bourghiba – has caused victims and casualties, bloodshed and fights between different factions, in an atmosphere of civil war.
In this sense, Nour Al-Maghreb may also be considered a reflection on both sides of the Mediterranean about the form and substance of democracy, its premisses and its achievements; but also about its contradictions and its ambiguities as they emerge in both Tunisia and Italy: two countries that are close and distant at the same time, separated by a narrow strait but with a good deal of mystification, negligence, stagnation and shadiness in common.
The encounter and the integration of the secularist western European culture and the Islamic Arab culture, with its religious bias, is one of the central problems of the third millenium, together with economic and demographic imbalance and the environmental emergency. Nour Al-Maghreb is intended to offer a privileged entrance into the Islamic Arab world nearest to us in the North African Mediterranean area.
It is our intention to discover the Maghreb through the often unexpected view that its cinema, particularly that of Tunisia, has been able to reveal in the works and commitment of its directors and producers; men who have often been obliged to operate in a difficult if not openly hostile socio-political context (as recent events have abundantly demonstrated).
This choice is justified by the need to present a different culture to a Western audience without predjudice: the culture of “the other”, usually described by the media with an ideological bias, stressing its negative and pathological aspects. That is to say, just for once we want take our Italian spectators into and among the conflicts and contradictions of the Arab-Islamic world; to let them into their houses, their schools, their mosques, their hammam, and their daily life. We want our spectators to watch their ttelevision programmes, listen to their radio, read their newspapers and navigate among the telematic portals and websites. Are we really so much more emancipated and progressive than they are?
Lenght: 52’
Format: HD
Production: Felix Film
With the support of Media Sviluppo
There is only one reason for remembering the War and its atrocities: defending and promoting human rights as a means of building peace. The backdrop is formed by the massacres at San Tomè, Marzabotto and Branzolino. A tale of the war seen from the bottom end, and told by those caught up in one of history’s major events in spite of themselves.
Giorgio, Irma, Luciano,Gino, Liliana, ... they are the leading characters in the story, they are the survivors of the San Tomè massacre and it is they who, in front of the La Spezia military courthouse, must go back in time 60 years and remember what for many years they tried so hard to forget, the horrors of a war that they never wanted but which they bore with suffering.
September 8, 1944. Night. San Tomé, a small village seven kilometers from Forlì. An officer with the German occupying army is seriously wounded when a mine explodes. The assailants are not identified but the method seems to exclude the partisans.
The reprisal strikes at dawn on September 9. Together, the Fascist Black Brigade and a special Nazi corps round up two hundred and twenty farm workers from the area: six of them will be hung.
The documentary’s plot is not the historical fact in itself nor the trial and subsequent sentence but rather the tale of each of the survivors, it’s the story of their lives told through fragments of the trial, in meetings with the author, in following them as they attempt to go back in time and seek out the places, the people, in their memories.
The narrative strives to exploit the human stories of the protagonists, made up as they are of little things, of simple things, of flash-backs, of faces and scenes, in contrast with the aggressive language of institutional battles in the courtroom of a military courthouse, with the violent images of documents taken from the archives (Istituto Storico della Resistenza Parri, LUCE archives, NARA archives in Washington, archives from the Imperial War Museum of London, archives from the Museum of the Battle of Senio), with the amplification of the national press.
Through the tales of the elderly protagonists, the author seeks the faults and the responsibilities of the story that surrounds their simple world, putting the stereotypes that reproduce the typical evil Nazis and good hero-like partisans up for discussion.
Wartime events from the point of view of the simple folk, in the memories of when, still children and adolescents, they dreamed and desired the primordial hopes of life: set up housekeeping, get married, raise children and today as old men and women with a life spent in the expectation of deliverance and justice that will never come.
The documentary does not narrate a bygone war, a massacre, a country , but it wants to start with the local story, with the agricultural community of San Tomè, to tell a tale of the war seen from the bottom, by those who suffer and who nonetheless find themselves enmeshed in the big picture that is war.
With much emotion and the same degree of awareness, this is the sadly true story common to many civilians, of being continuously the victims of the same crime already suffered, even after the fact itself, even after the massacre.
Because the victims of a massacre are not just the civilians savagely killed but also the survivors, impotent witnesses of a monstrosity that will cause them forever to carry a burden of guilt. And even the young solders, executors of the massacre, guilty of not having been able to avoid the orders from their superiors, how can they survive these memories?
It’s a story of men, women and children all over the world and in all the wars, simple folk, far from the limelight, who lived and live their primary needs, who knew and know little of what goes on around them.
Even though the main characters are Italian, they have no nationality because they are the same as the too many victims in the many theaters of war that are still underway all over the world and their stories converge in a single, choral shout of rage to say stop to all the wars for a sole objective, respect for human life.
The Wind between the Walls (Ernesto Pasquali and Silent Cinema in Turin) by Paolo D'Amato
Genre: documentary
Lenght: 26'/52'
Subject – Screenplay - Direction: Paolo D'Amato
Executive production: Felix film in collaboration with Kid Production
Production: Felix Film
With the support of: National Museum of Cinema (Turin)
Distribution: Broadcaster, home video, dvd
International distribution: Rai Trade
Italian silent cinema started one hundred years ago in Turin. But why in Turin? What conditions enabled the city of the House of Savoy to maintain its supremacy, for many years, over Rome and Milan, also involved in the revolution of cinema? Our project will try to narrate the rise and fall of the seventh art in the capital of the region of Piedmont during a period of great cultural ferment. The pioneers Ambrosio and Pastrone will be portrayed as they actually were: craftsmen with a lively imagination, a bit artists, a bit hucksters, talented impresarios, yet incapable of facing the last battle during the crisis of cinema in the twenties. Their respective adventures, Pastrone’s and Ambrosio’s, will be narrated by the voice of one of their fierce competitors, whom at the time we would have defined an outsider: Ernesto Maria Pasquali.
Pasquali (1883-1919) was a man of letters, before becoming a man of cinema. His original and careful analysis of the Turin society at the beginning of the 20th century emerged clearly in his fresh, spontaneous, ironic and never banal newspaper articles. He cast his inquisitive eye on people, places and events in Turin, always attentive and involved, and his pieces were a pleasure to read and had a taste that distinguished them from others due to the youthful and direct style that had nothing to do with pomposity and rhetoric. And reading them again today allows us to go back in time, to an age that was about to be violently wiped away by World War I and the changes that it would bring about.
However, it is cinema that is of interest to us, and Pasquali was actively involved in it, just like his famous competitors. Ambrosio was the first, and Pastrone the most renowned, but Pasquali was unique. Unique in his swift career: after one disappointment too many as a playwright, he became a scenario writer initially – and a director later – in the style of Ambrosio. He learned the craft and then after a few months, left his job and established his own production company at the age of twenty-six. Here, he gained experience as a entrepreneur, director and producer, working initially with sacrifice and without many resources. Then, thanks to the success of his films, he became, in a short period of time, one of the greatest producers in Italy.
Nothing occurs by chance: his vision of cinema immediately proved to be the winning one, as evidenced by one of his far-sighted articles dated 1906, in which he pointed out and reaffirmed that in Italy the seventh art was still amateurish and an organic and rational organisation was lacking. For him, cinema was not only a form of art, but also an industry and he proved this by promoting and becoming the first president of the first form of motion picture corporatism, the Unione Italiana Cinematografisti (UIC – Italian Union of Film-makers) in 1911, only three years after his debut as a producer. Not only, in 1914 he sets up what may be considered the first film studio with artificial lighting, thus abandoning glass walls and natural light to optimise time, increase quality and the expressive opportunities of lighting and be independent of the whims of the weather in Turin. Over ten years later, old-fashioned studios involving the use of sunlight were still being built. However, Pasquali was unable to continue his growth and development. In 1919, after three years of suffering, he died of an untreatable disease.
Among producers, Pasquali was neither the greatest, nor the richest, nor the most famous. His works have not passed the test of time, just like the memory of his life. However, the originality of his career, his journalistic, personal and enjoyable observations and his ability to analyse and risk personally make him a person worthy of attention. And if our interest falls on a Turin that no longer exists, the people who marked that age, the struggles among pioneers, the development of cinema, from workshop to business, and the failure of a motion picture system that revealed its shortcomings too soon, then exploring the life of a creative person and industrialist, such as Pasquali, will help us see things from a original point of view, marked by the great acumen and ironic disenchantment which so long ago characterised his writings, films and thoughts. The life of Pasquali will be the best “magnifying lens” to explore not only him, but also the intricate relations with his famous competitors, the artistic taste of the time, and savour a climate and atmosphere that no longer exist.
Series of 20 documentaries
Genre: art
Lenght: 52’
Ideation and overall coordination: Francesco Lizzani
Art Direction: Carlo Lizzani
Scientific Direction: prof. Antonio Paolucci
Direction: various authors
Screenplay: autori vari
Production: Associazione Culturale Esperia
Executive production: Felix Film
In collaboration with: Arcus, Civita, LegaCoop, Rai Educational
Co-production: Felix Film, Terra
Under the Patronage of: Ministero Beni e Attività Culturali, Ministero Pubblica Istruzione, Regione Sardegna
International Distribution: Rai Trade
Esperia, literally: Western Land. 20 documentaries to reconstruct along with the monographs of the Italian regions which make up its essential fabric, the portrait of the richest and most articulated artistic and environmental legacy in the world. Italy, as told from regional approaches, seems to be a microcosm of the whole of western civilization: Greek and Roman antiquity, the barbaric West and the Byzantine Empire, Arabic and Norman civilization, the Papacy and the Holy Roman Empire, the rebirth of the cities and the dawn of modern nation-states, the Renaissance and the Baroque.
The Esperia series will for the first time allow for a visible rendering of this heritage covering all of the Italian regions through a comprehensive itinerary which would otherwise be impratical for anyone, whether tour operator or even, expert travellers. From museum collections to sites both well-known and less so, it is a Grand Tour that continues to fascinate spectators from around the world.
This is why Italy's artistic heritage is an extraordinary and unique representation of western civilization as a whole.
Therefore, the name Esperia (Hesperia), used by ancient Greek sailors to refer to the Italian peninsula and which simply meant "the West", preserves the memory of the future like a prophecy.
In Italy, in contrast to other countries, this universal heritage is not mainly concentrated in a few great museums, but is rooted and spread throughout the twenty regions making up the national territory, sometimes even in some hard to reach locations. As well as the main Italian cities of art, we wish to discover the villages, the streets, the squares, the palaces, castles, fountains, gardens and parks and along the way rediscover the roots of so many great works of art collected in the museums of Italy and the rest of the world.
The Esperia collection wants to combine art, history and landscapes in the form of monographic stories matching the 20 Italian regions, like 20 episodes making up a single film.
The twenty regional “portals”, the strategic junctions of a new Grand Tour, then offer the opportunity to explore this galaxy of sites and images.
Each regional monograph will take the form of a linear documentary which starts from a particular location acting as the key to access to the many other paths of cross-media development.
A collection offering full portraits of each Italian region, with links to distant and parallel works and territorial contexts all over Italy; paths presented in chronological order, according to historical periods and featuring augmented and virtual reality.
All this starting from 20 monographs, the 20 sites each focusing on both monuments and landscapes, with a symbolic echo that makes them a gateway to the regions of Italy and icons of their genius loci, their "spirit of place".
The Twenty Filmic Icons of the Regional Portals:
Aosta Valley: Fénis Castle
Piedmont: Saint Michael’s Abbey
Lombardy: Sforza Castle
Veneto: The Grand Canal
Trentino Alto Adige/ Südtirol: The Three Peaks of Lavaredo
Friuli Venezia Giulia: The Basilica of Aquileia
Liguria: The Cinque Terre
Emilia-Romagna: The Basilica of San Vitale in Ravenna
Tuscany: Florence Cathedral - Saint Mary of the Flower
Marche: The Ducal Palace of Urbino
Umbria: Assisi Basilica
Lazio: The Capitoline Hill
Abruzzo: The Castle and Gorges of Celano
Molise: Sepino
Campania: Paestum
Basilicata: The Stones of Matera
Apulia: The Castle of the Mount
Calabria: The Cattolica di Stilo
Sicily: Monreale Cathedral
Sardinia: Su Nuraxi in Barumini
THE ESPERIA COLLECTION - Project Description
The strength, but also the weakness, of the Italian heritage is just this: the fact that, in contrast to most other countries, it is rooted throughout the national territory. For example, in France the majority of the Country's artistic treasures are all visible at the Louvre. The same goes for London, Madrid, Berlin or Moscow.
This is the main target of Esperia:
the first and only collection of cross-media documentaries where Italy's artistic resources play the leading role. Esperia will make it possible to follow a global itinerary, which would otherwise be impossible for anyone to undertake, even expert travellers, if not supported by adequate narrative and technological tools.
Esperia wants to give visibility to Italy's extraordinary extended artistic heritage, spread knowledge of it and its fruition, with the stories told by a group of authors in a linear documentary from which another target of users will be able to “set off” on an interactive navigation, with augmented reality and the possibility of further developing specific themes.
The Esperia project includes the making of 20 documentary films, from which new itineraries and narratives begin, as many as the historical, artistic and landscape heritage of each region affords.
The regional monographs will be devoted to one landmark acting as a starting point for the film's full narrative itinerary.
Places that allow the unfolding of a narrative through the various historical periods of western history, of which Italy is the cradle, such as, for example: the Capitoline Hill, the Grand Canal, Florence Cathedral, and so on.
Technical Feasibility.
Feasibility for the project is based on a long and complex development process led by Carlo Lizzani, guaranteeing its artistic quality, and scientific coordination by Professor Antonio Paolucci, guaranteeing the contents. The association for the Esperia project of two renowned names in the fields of art and culture defines the level of the results expected at an international level.
Technical feasibility is guaranteed by Felix Film srl, a company specialized in documentaries which can boast several international co-productions. Felix Film also brings to the project as added value the experience matured at production level in its professional participation to Roma Imago Urbis, a collection of art volumes and documentaries edited by G. C. Argan and produced by C. Lizzani, Vittorio Storaro, L. Bazzoni, E. Morricone.
The Current Situation.
The development phase has been completed and work phases, schedule, costs, and artistic/technical/production resources have been defined.
The work is backed by the Italian Heritage and Education Ministries.
Esperia is currently developing the screenplays of the first four regional monographs, which are scheduled to be completed in the early months of 2012.
Felix Film has successfully obtained funds from ARCUS 2010, which will cover 50% of production costs for the first four 4 episodes.
The work plan is based on a consolidated feasibility study carried out in cooperation with top partners in the fields of culture and business.
Partners which contributed to the development phase include:
Civita, Legacoop, Rai, Editalia Film, Gruppo de Agostini, Felix Film, Terra,
The following have expressed their support for the project:
Ministry of National Heritage, Ministry of Education, Rai Educational, Associazione Civita.
The involvement of the following Regional Governments is being defined: Lazio, Piedmont, Sicily, Trentino, Sardinia, Valle d’Aosta, Lombardy,Umbria.
Felix Film • via Felice Cavallotti, 119 - 00152 Roma - Italia • Tel. +39 06 58303257 • info@felixfilm.it